Local Sports Journal
The annual Guns and Hoses Charity Hockey Game is scheduled for Saturday, April 13 at Lakeshore Sports Centre, 4470 Airline Rd.
Gametime is 7 p.m.
The game pits Muskegon County law enforcement against Muskegon County fire fighters and EMS personnel.
Donations will be accepted at the door and there also will be silent auctions.
The committee has chosen two beneficiaries for this year’s proceeds.
* Gavin Sima was diagnosed with lymphoma in late 2011. In April 2012, he was diagnosed with Myeloysplasic Syndrome and was in need of a bone marrow transplant. That transplant was done in Oct. 2012, but now the cancer has returned.
* Brynnley Lamphere was born 3 months premature and weighed just 1 pound, 9 ounces at birth. She has had many x-rays, surgeries and other procedures in her young life. She’s also had a bout with pneumonia and had a blood transfusion.
Another fundraiser will be April 17 at Buffalo Wild Wings. Visit the Guns and Hoses website at http://www.muskegongunsandhoses.com/ for a coupon and more information on the event.