Local Sports Journal
Mike Mattson turned in a solid 11-2 mark this past weekend and is now tied for the overall lead through two weeks of predicting area high school football games.
Here are the results for Week 2 (13 games)
1. Mike Mattson 11-2
2 (tie) Jason Goorman, Shawn Liverance and Ron Rop 10-3
5 (tie) Dave Tomczak and Mark Lewis 9-4.
Sseason standings through two weeks (24 games)
1 (tie) Mike Mattson and Ron Rop 21-3.
3, Jason Goorman 20-4
4, Shawn Liverance 18-6
5, Mark Lewis 17-7
6, Dave Tomczak 16-8.
Watch for the LSJ picks for Week 3 later this week.