The Montague wrestling team won three of its five matches on Saturday.
The Wildcats defeated Coopersville 54-16, Wyoming 51-18 and Orchard View 47-30. Montrose Hills-McCloy and Reeths-Puffer beat the Wildcats 42-39 and 57-14, respectively.
The Wildcat wrestlers with victories over Coopersville were David Hernandez (119), Matthew Lipka (125), Daniel Lipka (130), Jared Linne (135), Emmet Gorman (140), Jasper Bailey (152), Gage Smith (160), Jake Jancek (171), Rylee Mayse (189) and Jacob Mosher (215).
David Hernandez (119), Matthew Lipka (125), Daniel Lipka (130), Linne (135), Gorman (140), Jose Hernandez (145), Bailey (152), Smith (160), and Jancek (171) picked up wins for the Wildcats over Wyoming.
Montague wrestlers with victories over Orchard View were David Hernandez (119), Matthew Lipka (130), Daniel Lipka (135), Gorman (140), Jose Hernandez (145), Smith (160), Jancek (171), and Mosher (215).
Cardinal wrestlers that pick up victories over Montague were Alex Cantu (103), Fabian Juarez (112), Harley Evans (152), Ignacio Rivera (189) and David Hall (285).
The Wildcat wrestlers with wins against Hills-McCloy were David Hernandez (119), Matthew Lipka (125), Linne (135), Bailey (152), Smith (160), Brendan Kahl (189), and Mosher (285).
Matthew Lipka (125), Daniel Lipka (130), and Jose Hernandez (145) picked up wins for the Wildcats against Reeths-Puffer.
The Rocket wrestlers with wins over Montague were Dylan Greeno (103), Caleb Jensen (112), Jack Tevrucht (119), Mike Weissert (135), Wesley Wade (140), Blake Ross (152), Sean McWilliams (160), Brett Thomas (171), Dawson Romanosky (189), Max Briggs (215) and Tylor Skinner (285).